Tool for easy receipts scanning
Scanning piles of receipts with the regular flat-bed scanner is time consuming, to say the least! And so is having to glue those to an A4 piece of paper.
Grocery store receipts tend to be too long for any regular scanner, other receipts are different in size. Yet there is a way to handle this in a simple way and scan each receipt within 3 seconds!
The secret is in using the right inexpensive tool. Here is how you can do that:
Mini Scanner built specifically for receipts
Fujitsu ScanSnap iX100 Wireless Mobile Scanner
It will scan long grocery receipts as one piece, you can scan two receipts at a time, and create a separate small size PDF for each. It will auto-rotate and correct angle so your scans will always look neat and tidy.
Using this scanner makes it simple to attach receipts while entering those. And Latitude 365 yacht management software provides this option. (We do not sell the scanner 🙂 ).
It can be found on Amazon by searching for: Scan Snap ix 100 (wireless)
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